The General Election Commission (KPU) urges the Indonesian public to participate in selecting leaders for the next five years through the 2024 simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). > 커뮤니티 카카오소프트 홈페이지 방문을 환영합니다.

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The General Election Commission (KPU) urges the Indonesian public to p…

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작성자 Damaris 댓글 0건 조회 30회 작성일 24-08-06 16:07


"Today we, together with Korem, the Regional Police, the Prosecutor’s Office, the KPU, Bawaslu, and the district governments, are building a shared commitment to ensure the success of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections," concluded Bahtiar.

However, behind their significant responsibilities, they also deserve recognition . The PPK and PPS involved in the 2024 Regional Election not only contribute their services but also receive monthly salaries .

088291000_1693312197-image_6483441.JPGThe condition of journalist safety in carrying out their profession is described based on three main pillars, including individual journalists, media stakeholder pillars, and state and regulatory pillars.

1. Announcement of PPS Member Candidate Registration: May 2, 2024 - May 6, 2024 .
2. Acceptance of PPS Member Candidate Registrations: May 2, 2024 - May 8, 2024 .
3. Extension of PPS Member Candidate Registrations: May 9, 2024 - May 11, 2024 .
4. Administrative Review of PPS Member Candidates: May 3, 2024 - May 12, 2024 .
5. Announcement of Administrative Review Results for PPS Member Candidates: May 13, 2024 - May 14, 2024 .
6. Written Selection of PPS Member Candidates: May 15, 2024 - May 18, 2024 .
7. Announcement of Written Selection Results for PPS Member Candidates: May 19, 2024 - May 20, 2024 .
8. Public Feedback on PPS Member Candidates: May 13, 2024 - May 20, 2024.
9. Interviews for PPS Member Candidates: May 21, 2024 - May 23, 2024.
10. Announcement of PPS Member Selection Results: May 24, 2024 - May 25, 2024.
11. Appointment of PPS Members: May 25, 2024 .
12. Inauguration of PPS Members: May 26, If you cherished this article and you simply would like to get more info about pilkada Jakarta cegah kotak kosong please visit our own website. 2024.

065044500_1713858563-240423_INFOGRAFIS_HL_POIN-POIN_PENTING_PUTUSAN_MK_TOLAK_GUGATAN_PILPRES_2024_S_01.jpgThe findings show that three figures are vying in the 2024 Jember election: Faida, who served as Regent from 2016-2021, Muhammad Fawait, a member of the East Java DPRD, and the current regent, Hendy Siswanto. "The findings show that Siswanto and Faida are very popular by the people of Jember, with awareness rates above 80 percent. Faida is known by 82.7 percent of the people, Hendy Siswanto by 78.7 percent, and Muhammad Fawait by 65.7 percent. Other individuals, such as Jaddin Wajads, Kadiknas Achmad Sudiyono, and Hadi Supaat from PDI Perjuangan, have popularity ratings below 40 percent," said Irawan Agusta in a formal statement on Saturday.

"So, it is very understandable if journalists are concerned about their safety during political coverage such as elections and Pilkada. Therefore, the Safe Journalism Program of Yayasan TIFA urges Pilkada organizers and other stakeholders to pay attention to this. If possible, anticipate the simultaneous Pilkada this year, which includes 508 elections," said Oslan.

Intelligence and Security Director for East Java Police, Commissioner Dekananto Eko Puwono, stated that his department received a request from the KPUD East Java based on the plenary results according to the ruling of the MK to place the ballot papers from Jember as well as Pamekasan at the Mapolda Jatim.

Based on the KPU Decision Number 476 of 2024, the selection process for PPS members in the 2024 Regional Election began on May 2, 2024 . This announcement was made by the General Election Commission (KPU) or the Independent Election Commission (KIP) at the Regency/Municipal level in Indonesia .

A. Irawan stated that the data found the approval ratings of potential regent candidates for Jember. The approval rating of Hendy Siswanto is only 48.7 percent, less than 50 percent, while Faida, the former regent has an acceptance level of 78.6 percent. Meanwhile, Fawait has an acceptance level of 53 percent, and other individuals such as Wajads, Sudiyono, and Supaat all have public receptions below 50 percent. "From the JJI survey, the voter preference (Top of Mind) of Faida, the former regent as a candidate for regent for Jember holds the first rank with 37.7 percent. In second place is Hendy with an electability of 20.7 percent, followed by Fawait with an electability percentage of 17.7 percent," he explained. Other figures, like J. Wajads, have 4.6 percent, and H. Supaat has 3.6 percent, with other candidates below 2 percent.

In addition to charting the high-risk areas for the 2024 local elections, the Regional Police are also focused on securing the ballot recount in two regions, Jember as well as Pamekasan, for the DPR RI and regional DPRD elections to be held in Surabaya City on June 23, 2024. The election boxes for the recount are currently securely kept at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters. The Regional Election Commission intentionally deposited the election logistics because, in accordance with the Constitutional Court (MK) ruling, the police were designated to provide security.

na. Preparing an additional voter list and submitting it to the Regency/City KPU through PPK
b. Verifying and recapitulating the support of individual candidates for members of the Regional Representative Council
c. Recapitulating the return of voting notification letters received from KPPS and submitting them to the Regency/City KPU through PPK
d. Ensuring the availability of voting equipment and other supplies at TPS
e. Reporting the names of KPPS members, Pantarlih, and TPS order officers in their working area to the Regency/City KPU through PPK
f. Assisting PPK in the process of recapitulating vote counting results
g. Preparing and submitting reports and accountability for budget implementation to the Regency/City KPU no later than 2 (two) months after voting
h. Announcing the vote counting results from each TP070014900_1560832886-20190618-Yusril-Sidang-MK-4.jpg


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