Assembly Language or Machine Code ? > 커뮤니티 카카오소프트 홈페이지 방문을 환영합니다.

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Assembly Language or Machine Code ?

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작성자 Hildred Mesa 댓글 0건 조회 27회 작성일 24-08-21 13:45


1981: OS/2 graphic operating system (Microsoft Corporation and International Business Machines, later continued only by the latter). 1981: PC-DOS, Personal Computer Disk Operating System, of 16 bits (Microsoft Corporation, based on 86-DOS), later continued only by International Business Machines. The idea of sharing computer time had been proposed in July 1958, and became operational in 1962 at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, as an improvement to the method of batch processing. May 1964: Dartmouth Basic 1, interactive dialect for the Time Sharing System. In 1994 Microsoft released Visual Basic for DOS. Being based on ANSI Basic, True Basic was an effort against chaotic dialects of Basic. In a short time and until the early 1980's most microcomputers had the CP/M system or were programmable in Basic, resident in Read Only Memory. Most students had some acquaintance with Basic, enough for being able to write some small programmes for their own personal purposes, mostly recreational or as a help in their other studies.

They were the first microprocessors for general purposes, and became the standard for many microcomputers. Needless to say, the parts and the general programme must be written in the same language and dialect, or they must be adapted for conforming to it. It only accepted code in numbering base of two, and was sold just as paper plans, without physical parts. Programmer: a person who writes in language of medium or high level, as opposed to coder: a person who writes only in low level code (machine code, in numbering base of two). Coder: a person who writes only in low level code (machine code, in numbering base of two), as opposed to programmer: a person who writes in language of medium or high level. Other chip producing companies were Fairchild, Texas Instruments (these two had begun earlier than Intel), Motorola, MOS Technology, Zilog, Signetics, Mostek, National, Hewlett-Packard, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen, all of them North American.

1971: twenty-three North American universities or research institutions have computers connected to Arpanet. It became obvious that the addressing system of Network Control Protocol, based on the Interface Message Processor of Arpanet, was insufficient for an open network, and therefore another protocol with control of transmission errors should eventually have to be devised. The original idea for the protocol is definitely separated in two protocols: TCP to control flux or recuperate lost packets, and IP to address or route packets. Destination can choose when recognition should be done, each ack returned is cumulative for all packets received. An incomplete transmission of packets is re-transmitted a number of times, defined by a "time-out" limit. Renamed Unix, it was rewritten by its original authors: by Kenneth Thompson in 1972 and by Dennis Ritchie in 1974, becoming fully operational in 1974 and open source in 1978. From the 1970's to the early 2000's a number of open source systems based on Unics were created, such as various BSD systems, plus GNU Hurd, Linux, Minix, Open Solaris, and others. From the 1970's to the early 2000's a number of open source systems based on Unics were created, such as various BSD systems, plus GNU Hurd, Linux, Minix, Open Solaris, and others.

1977: implementation by the University of California at Berkeley of TCP/IP for Unics BSD operating system. 1970: Intel 1103, integrated circuit of 1 Kilobit in Random Access Memory (Integrated Electronics, Santa Clara, High California). Terse: a programming language created by Jim Neil in the 1980's, operable since 1996. Terse gives all of the control that is available in assembly language, with the often easier use that is found in high level languages. Since the 1950's, most programming has been done in medium level (assembly) or in high level. Later it added elements to reach 7 Kilobytes of Random Access Memory and accepted Basic programming language, adapted to Altair 8800 by Paul Allen and William Bill Gates (Micro-Soft Corporation). 1974: microprocessors Intel 8080, Intel 8084 and Intel 8085, all of 64 Kilobytes of 8 bits (used in Altair 8800). Composed of 4 500 elements, they were capable of adding two numbers of 8 bits in less than 3 microseconds. June 1975: Altair 8800, microcomputer of 8 bits based on Intel 8080, by Edward Ted Roberts (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems). 1973: Scelbi-8 H, prototype of microcomputer of 8 bits based on Intel 8008, what is billiards by David Ahl (Digital Corporation). 1974: Personal Minicomputer Mark-8, microcomputer of 8 bits based on Intel 8008, by Johnathan Titus.


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