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Unknown Facts About What Is Billiards Made Known

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작성자 Erick 댓글 0건 조회 198회 작성일 24-09-02 23:32


That means he gets to place the cue anywhere on the table for his next turn. Of course it is easy to see if a green is on a level and if on a slope, but it is by no means easy always to judge by the eye whether a green is faster or slower than its immediate predecessor. You may find one green covered with blown sand, while another has not even much grass on it; while one green may be up-hill on the approach side, and another down-hill. In fact, the popularity of these flash friv games transcends even the most popular websites at present. Nerves appear to be absent one day and painfully present another: so there are red-letter days when even a nervous man can putt, but the more nervous a man is the worse will he putt, and in no other part of the game will he find nerves play such demoniacal tricks.

The project also provides with an herbal garden to enrich the living style of the present working generation. There are lengthy chapters on Astill’s playing style. If you think the same too, then playing games is one of the best actions. It should have the best of everything. I have mentioned golf and billiards together as the two games that give the hardest test of nerve, and the reason is this, that in both games strength is the all-important matter: strokes that require calculation of strength want nerve, but frequently are played without it. If strength or the consideration of strength be the chief cause of nervousness, billiards ought therefore to be more of a test of nerve than golf. I have played many games in my time, but I confidently say that for a test of nerve, golf is far the most trying game in the world, and next to it billiards.


The pitch would become an equilateral triangle, what is billiards and we should suggest that the bowler have the option of bowling (from his own corner) at either of the two outlying batsmen (at theirs). The whole pitch might be enclosed in a circular crease-which would look uncommonly well in Press photographs. There are even games the whole family can play together. In billiards every stroke requires thought of the question of strength; even a safety miss may easily be altogether defeated in its object if played too hard or too soft. How has billiards brightened itself? In putting, a man is generally so impressed by the fact that a reserve of strength is needful, that a contrary effect is produced, and he is nearly always short-nervousness in putting in nine cases out of ten makes a man hit too softly. The young player is strong and feels capable of anything as far as distance and power are concerned: he might remove mountains with his driver and brassey, but in his heart he would not object to let his caddie approach and hole out for him.

A man who foozles his drive and slices his approach, but who is nevertheless always down in two strokes after he has got on the putting-green, if not in one, is very hard to beat except his opponent is a really good player. He is on a smooth green which looks so fast that it terrifies him, while if it should slope slightly down hill he is more terrified still. He either cuts it too fine and is very short in the attempt to lay it dead, or else, frightened of the bunker that lies so dangerously near to him, he determines to get over at all risks and overruns the green by forty or fifty yards. I watched a final match once in the amateur championship, in which two most distinguished amateurs were struggling for the mastery, and both drove and played through the green as well as could be desired, and both putted in a way that a charity-school boy would have been ashamed of. We are convinced that so far we have been taking much too narrow a view. To be two yards beyond is far better than to be two yards short, for in the first place you give the ball a chance of holing, and in the second place it relieves the eye somewhat to turn round and putt along a different line.


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