Stay True to Your Beliefs With Vegan Makeup > 커뮤니티 카카오소프트 홈페이지 방문을 환영합니다.

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Stay True to Your Beliefs With Vegan Makeup

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작성자 Kenny 댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-09-18 14:05


You wouldn't buy clothing produced by child labor or buy fur coats. You buy organic produce that is good for both your body and the environment. You go to great lengths to take care of yourself and your world. It doesn't make sense to do all that and use makeup tested on animals. You want the money you spend on cosmetics to not just make you more beautiful, but add and support the beauty of the planet. Vegan makeup and vegan makeup brushes make it possible to satisfy all of your hopes and dreams for a kinder, more beautiful and sustainable planet.

What Cosmetics Ingredients Come from Animals?

PETA released a list of animal-derived ingredients. Here are just a few that might be in your beauty products.

• Alpha-Hydroxy acids - Lactic acids may come from animals. This is one of the top exfoliants in anti-wrinkle products.

• Amino Acids - These proteins are the building blocks of animal and plant cells. Find them in shampoos and cosmetics.

• Biotin - Biotin comes from living cells, milk and yeast. They're often used as a texturizer in cosmetics, lotions and shampoo.

• Carotene/Beta Carotene - This pigment is found in plant and animal tissue. It's often used to color cosmetics.

• Collagen - Collagen is a protein derived from animal tissue found in makeup.

• Gelatin/Gel - This protein is gathered by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments and bones in water. It's found in shampoo, face masks, cosmetics and food.

• Keratin - A protein made from ground hooves, feathers, and quills. It's found in hair rinses and shampoo.

• Lanolin - This product is extracted from sheep oil glands and wool and used in skin-care products and cosmetics.

Vegan vs. Cruelty-Free

Cruelty-free products are not tested on animals, but they may still include animal-derived ingredients. Sometimes products are labeled "vegetarian" or "vegetarian-friendly", but they can still contain ingredients derived from animals.

Vegan cosmetics and vegan makeup simply means that the products don't include any animal ingredients or animal derived ingredients. The label "vegan" on your favorite makeup or cosmetic is not guarantee that the product is cruelty-free. There are a number of vegan makeup brands and vegan cosmetic companies that claim to be vegan and market their products as vegan but test on animals to sell their products in certain countries that require animal testing.

Sounds hypocritical, doesn't it? It is, but most consumers see the word vegan on their favorite makeup product or cosmetic and make many assumptions about that brand's cruelty-free status. The truth often shocks the consumer when they realize that their beloved vegan makeup product is also tested on animals so that cosmetic brand can make more money by selling in China where animal testing is required on all imported cosmetics.

Vegan may also be cruelty-free, but it certainly doesn't guarantee it.

Why Buy Vegan Makeup?

For every "essential" ingredient that requires cruelty to animals, there's a vegan option that looks and works just as well. Vegan products also contain fewer ingredients that irritate skin.

When you buy vegan makeup, you know you're not putting any animal-derived products on your face. Major cosmetics companies are public which means their first obligation is to make their share-holders money. This means these public cosmetic companies make decisions primarily motivated by money, not by animal or human welfare.

As long as they can sell products with cheap animal-based ingredients to the public, they have no reason to explore other options. When you choose vegan makeup, you put your money toward compassionate companies that develop their products without animal ingredients or testing. The more people who purchase kinder, vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics, the more money motivated cosmetic companies will see vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics as a profit-making opportunity and switch their business practices. Or, you could simply continue to support those kinder companies who have compassionately been vegan and cruelty-free from the beginning.

What About Vegan Makeup Brushes?

Makeup only looks good if you apply it with the right tools. For decades, "natural" bristle makeup brushes have been the only way to get even coverage and predictable results. Those natural bristles are animal fur and animal hair which are often the result of animal cruelty.

Horse hair comes from animals who are slaughtered for food. Other animals are hunted and trapped. Animals used in the fur industry spend their lives in cramped cages and are often killed by suffocation, electrocution, gas and poison. Many natural bristle makeup brushes come from China, where animals are beaten or bled to death, hanged, or skinned alive.

Vegan makeup brushes provide an alternative that works just as well. Here are a few things you might not know. Vegan brushes are affordable and easy to find. Reduce animal testing and cruelty by voting with your dollar. Choose products that work better, last longer and are good for your skin. Make sure you support cruelty-free cosmetic companies that are 100 percent certified cruelty-free by Peta and Leaping Bunny. Discover the difference natural beauty products can make today.

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